Thursday, January 4, 2007

Soft vinyl toys and clear bottles - Toxic?

San Francisco recently banned toys containing two chemicals bisphenol A (BPA - pronounced as bisenol A ) and phthalates (pronounced as thalates). European Union also has a ban on these substances in toys. But US states did not impose a ban yet. Toy and chemical companies suing San Francisco for the ban arguing that the ban is not supported by science and will have a devastating impact on San Francisco toy retailers.

bisphenol A (BPA) - found in soft vinyl like teethers, pacifiers, nipples, "sippy cups" and heavily mouthed toys made of soft plastic, unless they are labeled as PVC-free or phthalate-free.

phthalates - found in clear, shiny plastic baby bottles, unless the manufacturer states they are not made of polycarbonate (which is made from bisphenol A)

Animal and human studies have linked these substances to a broad swath of health problems, including prostate and breast cancer, and altered genital development. Experts suggests parents to take steps to reduce/eliminate exposure.

Read Time Magazine Article

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